Solomon Amendment is a federal law that allows military recruiters to access some address, biographical and academic program information on students age 17 and older.
The Department of Education has determined the Solomon Amendment supersedes most elements of FERPA. An institution is therefore obligated to release data included in the list of “student recruiting information,” which may or may not match the Baruch College FERPA directory information list. However, if the student has submitted a request to restrict the release of their Directory Information, then no information from the student's education record will be released under the Solomon Amendment.
Definition - Student Recruitment/Solomon Information
Telephone number
Class Level (e.g. First-Year, Sophomore)
Degree awarded
Information released is limited to the current semester or the previous semester. If the request is received between semesters, the requestor must specify previous semester or upcoming semester.
Students must be enrolled.
Information released is limited to military recruiting purposes only. Military recruiters must be from one of the following military organizations:
Air Force
Air Force Reserve
Air Force National Guard
Army National Guard
Army Reserve
Coast Guard
Coast Guard Reserve
Navy Reserve
Marine Corps
Marine Corps Reserve